প্রাইমারি টেট ইংরেজি প্র্যাকটিস সেট 10 || English Pedagogy for Primary TET Part 10

প্রাইমারি টেট ইংরেজি প্র্যাকটিস সেট 10 || English Pedagogy for Primary TET Part 10


English Pedagogy for Primary TET Part 10


1. A language is:-
A) A board term simply recording to human pattern verbal behaviour in general.
B) A set of specific rules for generating speech.
C) Another word for a dialect.
D) the ability to think and talk.

Ans:-B) A set of specific rules for generating speech.

2. The best time to learn a second language is in:-
A) Early childhood.
B) Junior school.
C) Senior secondary school.
D) College.

Ans:-A) Early childhood.

3. Verbal communication means:-
A) Sending a message in words including writing.
B) Informal communication.
C) Exact Limited message this speaker wants to convey.
D) Actual words said.

Ans:-A) Sending a message in words including writing.

4. Metalinguistic awareness is:-
A) The ability to think and talk about language.
B) The ability to connect the distinctive sounds in words to letters.
C) Understanding of the mapping principles between sounds and meaning.
D) The ability to recognise writing from other visual marks.

Ans:-A) The ability to think and talk about language.

5. The following statements that are true about language is:-
A) All languages use essentially the same number of sounds.
B) All native speakers of a language learn the basic rules of grammar in school.
C) While the departed languages may use different phonemes, they all essentially share the same syntax.
D) None of the above.

Ans:-D) None of the above.

6. The language which is learnt from environment without any explicit teaching is:-
A) Second language.
B) Third language.
C) School language.
D) First language.

Ans:-D) First language.

7. ________is this study of language from a cognitive and developmental law.
A) Psycholinguistics.
B) Sociolinguistics.
C) Comparative linguistics.
D) Linguistics.

Ans:-A) Psycholinguistics.

আরও পড়ুন:- প্রাইমারি টেট ইংরেজি প্র্যাকটিস সেট 9

8. The following definition best describes language acquisition:-
A) The process by which a society vernacular varies.
B) The process by which linguistics is applied to sociology.
C) The process by which the linguistics ability develop in a human.
D) The process by which the origin of language is developed.

Ans:-C) The process by which the linguistics ability develop in a human.

9. “A student requirements the reading of the latest best seller, saying that it is very interesting. You listen, trying to make out weather the students observation is sincare or not.” This type of listening can be described:
A) Critical.
B) Comprehension.
C) Sympathetic.
D) active.

Ans:-A) Critical.

10. “Children deserve most of the credit for the language that the acquire.” The observation implies that in modern classrooms.
A) Students pursue they are online of enquiry.
B) Students need not attend L2 classes.
C) Students may choose L2 on their own.
D) The teacher established the tasks and supports or facilitates learning.

Ans:-A) Students pursue they are online of enquiry.

11. Types of ‘text media’ are:-
A) Audio discs and tapes.
B) Illustration and diagrams.
C) Motion pictures.
D) And documentaries.

Ans:-D) And documentaries.

12. Students learning a language often lack confidence when speaking due to the language’s unique pronunciation rules. One way to overcome this problem is:-
A) Children reading aloud in class.
B) Using game like activities which require.
C) Strictly verbal interaction in the classroom.
D) Conducting special speech therapy with a counsellor.

Ans:-B) Using game like activities which require.

13. “Pedagogical Grammar” means that:-
A) Begin from form and move on to use.
B) Teaching through immersion.
C) All grammar teaching suit be rule focussed.
D) Teaching grammar in context.

Ans:-D) Teaching grammar in context.

14. For students to gain language skills from textbooks, textbook learning should:-
A) Correlate with assessment and achievement.
B) Lead to using the textbook sparingly.
C) Expose them to more literary reading.
D) Become more cost-effective compared to technology supported course.

Ans:-A) Correlate with assessment and achievement.

15. While teaching hearing impaired students in an inclusive class, it is necessary for a teacher to:-
A) Make sure that they are including signs and nonverbal signals to strengthen any communication.
B) Contact regular a special class for such students.
C) Be in constant touch with parents for such students.
D) Use cue cards to signal the teaching content.

Ans:-A) Make sure that they are including signs and nonverbal signals to strengthen any communication.

16. Translating a subject and using the translation in the mainstream curriculum, the benefit is:-
A) Promoting national identity.
B) Enriching linguistic capability and appreciation.
C) Enabling teachers who are not competent in the mainstream language to take classes.
D) Standardizing cultural identity.

Ans:-B) Enriching linguistic capability and appreciation.

17. The teaching of reading by associating characters or groups of characters with sounds is the________method.
A) Morphemic.
B) Direct.
C) Phonic.
D) Whole-language.

Ans:-C) Phonic.

18. Teachers can remediate for the student with language learning difficulty by:-
A) Focusing on individual progress with individual instruction.
B) Providing notes that are summarized and simplified.
C) Initially giving information as reading only, no writing.
D) Conduct extra classes for the students to ‘catch up’ with others.

Ans:-A) Focusing on individual progress with individual instruction.

19. CALP stands for _______ academic language proficiency.
A) Communicative.
B) Content.
C) Cognitive.
D) Controlled.

Ans:-C) Cognitive.


প্রতিদিন এই ধরনের পোস্ট পেতে আমাদের হোয়াটসঅ্যাপ গ্রুপে ও টেলিগ্ৰাম চ্যানেলে যুক্ত হয়ে যান 


আরও পড়ুন:- প্রাইমারি টেট প্র্যাকটিস সেট 7

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