English Pedagogy for Primary TET 12 || English Pedagogy Practice Set 12

English Pedagogy for Primary TET 12 || English Pedagogy Practice Set 12

English Pedagogy Practice Set 12

1. The two productive skills are:-
A) Listening and speaking.
B) Listening and writing.
C) Speaking and writing.
D) Speaking and reading.
Ans:-C) Speaking and writing.

2. The_____and the_____ must share the same linguistic codes while learning a language.
A) Speaker, writer.
B) Writer, listener.
C) Speaker, listener.
D) Reader, listener.
Ans:-C) Speaker, listener.

3. If a student makes pronunciation errors, the best way to help him/her is to:-
A) Provide him/her correct pronunciation without humiliating the learner.
B) Call parents of the learner and complain.
C) Scold the child.
D) None of the above.
Ans:-A) Provide him/her correct pronunciation without humiliating the learner.

4. Which of the following is a kind of speaking situation in which we find ourselves?
A) Interactive.
B) Partially interactive.
C) Only (2)
D) All of the above.
Ans:-D) All of the above.

5. Which of the following is incorrect in the context of evalution?
A) Each refers to the process of comparing the results of instructions or tests.
B) It refers to the extent to which the objectives have been achieved.
C) Evalution and measurement both mean the same.
D) It requires collecting of evidence regarding the growth or progress of the student.
Ans:-C) Evalution and measurement both mean the same.

6. Comprehensive evaluation in teaching is a concept that focuses on:-
A) The cognitive capacity of the learner.
B) The non cognitive abilities of the learner.
C) The phychomotor abilities of the learner.
D) The entire range of the learner’s experiences in the context of the school environment.
Ans:-D) The entire range of the learner’s experiences in the context of the school environment.

7. Which of the following is not an integral part of cognitive development?
A) Attitudes.
B) Emotions.
C) Values.
D) None of the above.
Ans:-D) None of the above.

8. Which of the following is not an objectives of CCE?
A) To develop cognitive psychomoto and effective skills.
B) To emphasise memorisation.
C) To maintain desired standard of performance.
D) To make teaching and learning a child-centred activity.
Ans:-B) To emphasise memorisation.

9. Which of the following is true in the context of teaching learning materials?
A) Photos and charts enable students to use their sense of site and hearing to learn in the classroom.
B) Films are only a source of reaction and have no educational value.
C) Audio-visual aids have no value in the teaching/learning process.
D) Stories can be taught using pictures with the help of a flannel board.
Ans:-D) Stories can be taught using pictures with the help of a flannel board.

10. Visual aids used in teaching/learning process help in the achievement of which of the following objectives of teaching?
A) Cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
B) Only cognitive and affective.
C) Only cognitive.
D) Only affective.
Ans:-A) Cognitive, affective and psychomotor.

আরও পড়ুন:- English Pedagogy Practice Set 11 

11. The interactional routine during speaking assessment includes a:-
A) Describing one’s school or its environment informally.
B) Negotiating meanings, taking turns and allowing others to take turns.
C) Telephonic conversation with other one learner.
D) Comparing two or more objects/place for the assessor.
Ans:-B) Negotiating meanings, taking turns and allowing others to take turns.

12. Which of one following is not a correct statement?
A) Reading is the third stage following speaking.
B) The writing skill should be developed before listening skills.
C) Practice in listening should precede practice in speaking.
D) Speaking gives an opportunity to express feeling an emotions.
Ans:-B) The writing skill should be developed before listening skills.

13. Which of the following is not a language component?
A) Sound.
B) Symbols.
C) Vocabulary.
D) structures.
Ans:-D) structures.

14. Which of the following is not a characteristics of a language?
A) A vital part of growth process.
B) Has its own set of grammatical rules.
C) It is productive and creative.
D) It is spontaneous,not a result of evolution.
Ans:-D) It is spontaneous,not a result of evolution.

15. Which is no longer position of English language in India?
A) Ling language.
B) Associate official language.
C) Global Language.
D) Foreign language.
Ans:-D) Foreign language.

16. Sangeeta, English teacher of class 5 first explain the different parts of a sentence and then cities the synthesis of sentence so that are learners can easily understand the concept. She is following the principle of:-
A) Induction to deduction.
B) Concrete to abstract.
C) Known to unknown.
D) Analysis to synthesis.
Ans:-B) Concrete to abstract.

17. Which one of the theories best on habit formation says that humans or any creatures give response due to stimulus or humans learn due to stimulus?
A) Classical Conditioning.
B) Operant conditioning.
C) Generalisation.
D) Adaptation.
Ans:-A) Classical Conditioning.

18. Learning a language is:-
A) Gradual process.
B) Last process.
C) Instant process.
D) All inclusive process.
Ans:-A) Gradual process.

19. A teacher is explaining a new concept in the class. Shreya notes Hindi meaning of difficult words and concepts. She also understands the concept without any difficulty. She is good in:-
A) Motor skills.
B) Cognitive abilities.
C) Rote memory.
D) Verbal ability.
Ans:-B) Cognitive abilities.

20. According to Vygotsky, learning in a child or adult takes place due to:-
A) Inborn abilities.
B) Scientific attitude.
C) Social interaction.
D) Introduction of a stimulus.
Ans:-C) Social interaction.


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