English Pedagogy Questions Answers || WB Primary TET English Pedagogy Practice Set 6

English Pedagogy Questions Answers || WB Primary TET English Pedagogy Practice Set 6

English Pedagogy Practice Set 6

1. Progress from generalisation to specific example is-
A) Deductive.
B) Inductive.
C) Incidental.
D) Remedial.

Ans:-A) Deductive.

2. The founder of structural grammar was-
A) Nesfield.
B) Chapman.
C) Chomsky.
D) C.C.Fries.

Ans:-D) C.C.Fries.

3. Inductive method proceeds from-
A) Known to unknown.
B) Simple to complex.
C) Complex to simple.
D) Both A and B.

Ans:-D) Both A and B.

4. In the traditional method of teaching grammar-
A) Language fluency is to be required.
B) Blackboard are essential.
C) Text book is must.
D) All the above.

Ans:-C) Text book is must.

5. Language acquisition occurs only when-
A) The child learns the rules of grammar.
B) The child is exposed to the language.
C) The child memorises the lesson.
D) The child is given a reward.

Ans:-B) The child is exposed to the language.

6. Method is teaching grammar is-
A) Deductive.
B) Inductive.
C) Incidental.
D) All of the above.

Ans:-D) All of the above.

7. Study of correct spelling is known as-
A) Syntax.
B) Semantics.
C) Morphology.
D) Orthography.

Ans:-D) Orthography.

8. Structural approach is English stresses on-
A) Speech.
B) Conversation.
C) Listening skill.
D) Reading skill.

Ans:-A) Speech.

9. Syntax is the study of-
A) Grammatical arrangement of words.
B) Accuracy of pronunciation.
C) Correct use of words.
D) None of these.

Ans:-A) Grammatical arrangement of words.

10. The curriculum should ideally-
A) Connect knowledge outside.
B) Do away with assessment.
C) Provide overall development of children.
D) Address social need.

Ans:-A) Connect knowledge outside.

আরও দেখুন:- English Pedagogy Practice Set 5

11. The study of the structure of the language is called-
A) Linguistics.
B) Morphologh.
C) Etymology.
D) Axiology.

Ans:-B) Morphologh.

12. Students in FCA are allowed-
A) No freedom.
B) To learn the rules first.
C) Much freedom.
D) To learn according to their own will.

Ans:-C) Much freedom.

13. A language is best learnt by:-
A) Initiation.
B) Inhibition.
C) Imitation.
D) Intimation.

Ans:-C) Imitation.

14. At the initial stage FCA focuses on:-
A) Listening.
B) Speaking.
C) Writing.
D) Listening and speaking.

Ans:-D) Listening and speaking.

15. Learning a language requires:-
A) An inbron capacity.
B) An inmate capacity.
C) An external stimulus.
D) None of the above.

Ans:-B) An inmate capacity.

16. In grammar translation method little importance is given to:-
A) Vocabulary.
B) Punctuation.
C) Spelling.
D) Pronunciation.

Ans:-D) Pronunciation.

17. Remedial teaching is needed:-
A) To test learner for periodically.
B) To help students pass the exam.
C) To address gaps in learning.
D) To help bright students to excel.

Ans:-C) To address gaps in learning.

18. The direct method was popularized by:-
A) The international phonetic Association.
B) The inter International sementic Association.
C) German linguists.
D) American linguists.

Ans:-A) The international phonetic Association.

19. Noise in to classroom indicates:-
A) Indiscipline of the learners.
B) Incompetence of the teacher.
C) Constructive activities of the learners.
D) Disinterested of the learners.

Ans:-B) Incompetence of the teacher.

20. Direct method prohibits:-
A) Communicability.
B) Fluency.
C) Vocabulary.
D) Memorization.

Ans:-D) Memorization.

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