প্রাইমারি টেট ইংরেজি প্র্যাকটিস সেট 9 || WB Primary TET English Practice Set 9

প্রাইমারি টেট ইংরেজি প্র্যাকটিস সেট 9 || WB Primary TET English Practice Set 9

WB Primary TET English Practice Set 9

1. From the following which is alternative from the other three with respect to find motor movement_____?
A) Dictation.
B) Dot joining.
C) Separation of fruits and vegetables.
D) Handwriting.

Ans:-C) Separation of fruits and vegetables.

2. Choose one of the best options from the following. At the pre primary stage reading allowed while writing is given importance. According to that which theory is true______?
A) Insight.
B) Imitation.
C) Trial & error.
D) Conditioning.

Ans:-D) Conditioning.

3. Due to Emile, the noblest work in education is to make a/an. Select one of the best options from the following?
A) Entrepreneur.
B) Thinker.
C) Reasoning man.
D) Good citizen.

Ans:-D) Good citizen.

4. Which is not taken into consideration while preparing the blue-print for a test?
A) Instructional objectives.
B) Topic.
C) Teaching time.
D) From a questions.

Ans:-C) Teaching time.

5. The Field of study concerned with the construction of thought processes, including remembering and decision making is called______?
A) Education.
B) Pedagogy.
C) Cognitive development.
D) Epistemology.

Ans:-C) Cognitive development.

6. What is the psychology?
A) Science of mind.
B) Science of the soul.
C) Science of behaviour.
D) Science of consciousness.

Ans:-C) Science of behaviour.

7. Indicate true option. The more often a pacific ability is used the_______it becomes.
A) Stronger.
B) Weaker.
C) More important.
D) Less important.

Ans:-B) Weaker.

আরও দেখুন:- প্রাইমারি টেট ইংরেজি প্র্যাকটিস সেট 8

8. From the following options which are not a factor of motivation?
A) Incentive.
B) Prize.
C) Practice.
D) Praise.

Ans:-C) Practice.

9. Indicate true option. The longer a specific ability is unused________ it becomes.
A) Stronger.
B) Weaker.
C) More important.
D) Less Important.

Ans:-B) Weaker.

10. What did we call that this stage from 2 to 6 years?
A) Infancy.
B) Pre-Childhood.
C) Pre-adolescence.
D) Later childhood.

Ans:-B) Pre-Childhood.

11. Due to Jean, children develop abstract logic and reasoning skill during?
A) Pre operational stage.
B) Sensorimotor stage.
C) Concrete operational stage.
D) Formal operational stage.

Ans:-D) Formal operational stage.

12. The tutor studies pupils group behaviour mainly by which of the methods. Indicate one of the best_____?
A) Experimentation.
B) Interview.
C) Observation.
D) Case history.

Ans:-C) Observation.

13. Chose one of the best option from the following. Children are egocentric during _____ and ______ stages.
A) Formal operational, sensorimotor.
B) Sensorimotor, pre-operational.
C) Concrete operational, formal operational.
D) Pre operational, concrete operational.

Ans:-B) Sensorimotor, pre-operational.

14. Which is not show the child’s emotion?
A) Sorrow.
B) Pleasure.
C) Tolerance.
D) Curiositym.

Ans:-C) Tolerance.

15. According to Jean, children are no longer ecocentric when entering______?
A) Formal operational stage.
B) Concrete operational stage.
C) Sensorimotor stage.
D) Pre-operational stage.

Ans:-B) Concrete operational stage.

16. Which is not an element of intellectual development____?
A) Thinking.
B) Imagination.
C) Creativity.
D) Tolerance.

Ans:-D) Tolerance.

17. Due to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, the operation all stage starts at age_____?
A) 3
B) 1
C) 7
D) 5

Ans:-C) 7

18. Which is not included under “Exceptional category”?
A) Retarded.
B) Slow.
C) Gifted.
D) Normal.

Ans:-D) Normal.

19. Due to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, formal stage starts at age_____?
A) 6
B) 5
C) 8
D) 7

Ans:-D) 7

20. Which is not an element of mastery learning?
A) Alternate methods of teaching.
B) Use of alternate textbook.
C) Group teaching.
D) Child centratd learning activity.

Ans:-C) Group teaching.

প্রতিদিন এই ধরনের পোস্ট পেতে আমাদের হোয়াটসঅ্যাপ গ্রুপে ও টেলিগ্ৰাম চ্যানেলে যুক্ত হয়ে যান 


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