English Pedagogy for Primary TET 2023 || WB Primary TET English Pedagogy Practice Set 15

English Pedagogy for Primary TET 2023 || WB Primary TET English Pedagogy Practice Set 15

WB Primary TET English Pedagogy Practice Set 15

English Pedagogy Practice Set 15

1. This spoken skills in a language teaching classroom can be developed through:-
A) Enabling activities with a focus on conversation skills leading to communicative competence.
B) Group activities where liners can talk in which language they would like to.
C) Engaging in small talk as confident aggressive learners.
D) Emotionally connecting with learners.
Ans:-A) Enabling activities with a focus on conversation skills leading to communicative competence.

2. Lalita, a teacher of young learners, profiles them with opportunities to play with clay, water and sand, so as to:-
A) Please them and make them happy.
B) Dirty their hands so that they may learn to watch them.
C) Build fine motor skills, specially of the finger and thumb.
D) Encourage play with no other objective.
Ans:-C) Build fine motor skills, specially of the finger and thumb.

3. How will a teacher best teach ‘writing’ skills to a class?
A) Through dictation.
B) By asking students to learn articles and rewrite them.
C) By benstorming ideas and asking students to write in their own words.
D) By asking students to write neatly.
Ans:-C) By benstorming ideas and asking students to write in their own words.

4. Mary, a young teacher, believes in personalised learning because she thinks that:-
A) All learners must learn on their own.
B) Children must enjoy their learning.
C) Every person must be exposed to learning.
D) Every learner is unique and needs to be given a chance to develop to the best of their ability.
Ans:-D) Every learner is unique and needs to be given a chance to develop to the best of their ability.

5. In a diverse classroom, learners find it difficult to speak and write good English and open lapse into their mother tongue because:-
A) They do not have the ability to learn English.
B) They are slow learners.
C) They are not motivated to learn.
D) They like enough competence and The structures the two languages as are different from each other.
Ans:-D) They like enough competence and The structures the two languages as are different from each other.

6. A child studying in class 3 says’ “I dranked the water”. It indicates that the child:-
A) Has overgeneralised the rule for making past tense verbs, showing that learning is taking place.
B) Is careless and needs to be told that see should be conscious of such errors.
C) Has not learnt grammar rules properly.
D) Should memories the correct sentence.
Ans:-A) Has overgeneralised the rule for making past tense verbs, showing that learning is taking place.

7. Leena uses big reading books in her language classes to:-
A) Use this illustrated colourful books for reading together.
B) Use them for big students of different ages.
C) Allow students to read at home.
D) Ensure books carrier lot of information.
Ans:-A) Use this illustrated colourful books for reading together.

8. Grammar should be taught by:-
A) Giving clear explanations.
B) Enabling practice in context.
C) Asking students to learn rules.
D) Making learners do right written assignments.
Ans:-B) Enabling practice in context.

9. Children who are differently abled join a new school. Teachers give different reactions. Which one reflects the concept of inclusive education?
A) Good, it will provide a good opportunity for the children to learn to help each other and be supportive.
B) Such children should go to special schools where they will learn better.
C) Oh! How can I teach children who cannot even read?
D) I’m worried that my class may not accept this children and some of the mischievous children may even harm the poor kids.
Ans:-A) Good, it will provide a good opportunity for the children to learn to help each other and be supportive.

10. The Right of children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 stipulates that learning should be:-
A) Through activities in a child friendly manner.
B) Supported by extra coaching.
C) Restricted to co-scholastic subjects.
D) Carefully monitored by frequent testing.
Ans:-A) Through activities in a child friendly manner.

11. A teacher can cater to the learning styles of all the children by:-
A) Advising the children to join drawing/dance/music classes.
B) Employing a variety of teaching methods and modes of assessment which cater to diversity among learners.
C) Teaching every lesson throughly and revising the lessons.
D) Testing the children frequently.
Ans:-B) Employing a variety of teaching methods and modes of assessment which cater to diversity among learners.

12. As part of a class project, a teacher planned a salad fruit celebration day in which all learners needed to participate. The boys protested as they felt that boys do not cook. The teacher should:-
A) Make an attempt to counsel the boys, impressing upon them that gender stereotyping is not healthy healthy.
B) Respect the sentiments of the boys and allow them not to participate in the class project.
C) Ignore search protest and tell the boys what she thinks of their bias.
D) Complain to the head of the school seeking action against the boy.
Ans:-A) Make an attempt to counsel the boys, impressing upon them that gender stereotyping is not healthy healthy.

13. Read two sentence given below, The lizard ate the fly. The fly ate the lizard.
A teacher can use this example to explain that:
A) They are examples of reported speech.
B) They are a collection of words.
C) There is no difference in the two sentences because both have the same words.
D) When object and object change positions, the meaning of the sentence changes.
Ans:-D) When object and object change positions, the meaning of the sentence changes.

14. Ritu often makes errors in Subject-Verb concord. The teacher can help her by:-
A) Asking Ritu to learn the rules of scolding her.
B) Asking Ritu to write the rules 10 time in her notebook.
C) Taking up many examples for the NTR class and paying special attention to Ritu.
D) Explaining to her the rules of grammar.
Ans:-C) Taking up many examples for the NTR class and paying special attention to Ritu.

15. Riya is unable to pronounce the words ‘smile’ and ‘school’ clearly. As her teacher, what will you do?
A) Humiliate Riya by isolating her and asking her to repeat the words.
B) Asking the NTR class to repeat the words and appreciating Riya when she repeats them correctly.
C) Make Riya repeat the ‘words’ many times.
D) Make area understand the meaning and sound pattern and get the class as a whole to listen to this words through and audio-visual medium.
Ans:-D) Make area understand the meaning and sound pattern and get the class as a whole to listen to this words through and audio-visual medium.

16. Telling Interesting to young learners is primarily meant for improving their:-
A) Writing skills.
B) Speaking skills.
C) Listening skills.
D) Reading skills.
Ans:-C) Listening skills.

17. The best way to sensitize young learners to rhythm and intonation is :-
A) By Reading out poem in different metres and explaining them.
B) By making the learners listen to nursery rhythms and recite them effectively.
C) By making the learners copy out simple poem in neat handwriting.
D) By explaining the rules of phonetics in simple words.
Ans:-B) By making the learners listen to nursery rhythms and recite them effectively.

18. An effective language teacher:-
A) Will make children learn all the answers to the questions given in the textbook.
B) Will use the textbook as well as other material as resource for teaching.
C) Will prepare question paper using only the questions given in the textbook.
D) Will rely entirely on the prescribed textbook.
Ans:-B) Will use the textbook as well as other material as resource for teaching.

19. The Most effective tool to assess and attitude of learners is:-
A) Anecdotal record.
B) Portfolio.
C) Unit Test.
D) Summative Test.
Ans:-B) Portfolio.

20. A teacher engages her learners in a fun activity before beginning a new lesson. The purpose of this activity is to:-
A) Discipline the learners before the lesson.
B) Divert the attention of the learners.
C) Reduce the workload of the teacher.
D) Motivate and energise the learners.
Ans:-D) Motivate and energise the learners.


প্রতিদিন এই ধরনের পোস্ট ও কারেন্ট অ্যাফেয়ার্স পেতে আমাদের হোয়াটসঅ্যাপ গ্রুপে ও টেলিগ্ৰাম চ্যানেলে যুক্ত হয়ে যান 


আরও পড়ুন:- English Pedagogy Practice Set 14

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